A cheating wife can be hard to detect, even suspect. Though husbands bear the brunt of most cheating stories, the truth is that the number of cheating wives is on the increase. Cheating means different things to different people. 

 Rethinking Infidelity: cheating is not only about what may or may not go down between the sheets with somebody else. That’s because cheating has so many levels. So, whether sexting other men, going on dates, or having a straightforward affair, it’s cheating.

Your wife can cheat on you on a physical, psychological, social and financial level too. And most times the hurt doesn’t feel any different than the other.

Yes, women can also be guilty of cheating, but if you can detect the signs of a cheating wife, it will help reduce the heartbreak and disappointment, because unlike their male counterparts, women can be so good at maintaining a double-life that often times it's almost impossible to tell a cheating wife and a faithful one apart.

Cheating is a common fear anyone in a relationship dreads. No one wants to be cheated on by the person they love. Finding out that your wife is cheating on you can be very traumatic, it will make you second guess everyone you meet. Nothing can wreck a marriage faster than finding out your wife is cheating on you. When you sign up to be in a relationship or get married, you feel that this person is with you because they love you. And cheating is the last thing you thought they would do.

Some people cheat to escape their relationship, and others just do it because they don’t care. But whatever the reason may be, at the end of the day, cheating is cheating. However, there may be plenty of good reasons why a wife sometimes acts the way she does. Those reasons don’t always mean that your wife is cheating on you. 

Sometimes, women just do things for no particular reason.

Now, you may have trouble putting your finger on it, but you must look at the signs and see what’s going on. Maybe it’s not cheating; maybe it’s something else. So, let’s look at the signs, and you can make a decision from there.

Signs your wife is cheating on you

If women can cover their tracks so well, then how are you supposed to tell whether your wife is cheating on you or not? If you already have your suspicions, I will suggest before you make any confrontations or conclude anything that you will need to be very certain that your wife is cheating by acquainting yourself with these 14 signs of a cheating wife and watch out for them but if you don’t have any suspicions already, please stay off this article. My aim is not to feed your paranoia but to unveil the sneaky signs of a cheating wife.

1. She doesn't post pictures of you anymore.

She used to post a lot of photos of the two of you on social media, but recently, she stopped. It looks as if your wife is scrubbing her social media clean of any evidence of your relationship. This could be an attempt to hide anything that will indicate that she is in a relationship, she could be trying to portray that she is still in 'the market'. If she hides you, she wants to appear single and that's not the only thing you have to worry about online.

Keep reading…

2. Her phone is always silent.

If your wife is using her phone to communicate with whoever she is cheating on you with, apparently it is going to be on silent to avoid attention from a third party. She is not going to deliberately give you room to start questioning her about the constant calls, texts or chat. When a phone is on silence, you are not going to bother when she doesn’t pick some calls, so she can choose to ignore some calls coming in at odd hours or places.

But, don’t take this as a definite sign. If you see other signs matched with this one, then she may be cheating on you.

3. She accuses you of cheating.

This one is a classic. An easy way to tell when your partner is keeping her marriage vow is by how often she accuses you of cheating. People who are cheating on their partners always do this, either because they want to project their guilt on their significant other often in the form of the blame game, or because they are just paranoid thinking that their partner is also doing the same thing they are doing.

 When your wife accuses you of cheating on her, she is trying to release the self-guilt she feels by putting it on you or sharing it with you, this will also distract you from seeing what is going on in your marriage.

It is amazing how they will get so flared up in the conversation as if the behavior is an abomination to them. With the way they abhor the topic, you can’t imagine them doing something like that themselves when in reality they are already guilty of cheating.

4. She's working out more.

If your wife is cheating, she may take on an intensive workout routine. Probably before now, she would just go to the gym once in a while but if her interest in her appearance comes seemingly out of nowhere, and she’s stepped up her work out routine, it could be because she has someone new to impress. Someone new is probably feeling her.

If your wife is cheating, she may take on an intensive workout routine. Probably before now, she would just go to the gym once in a while but if her interest in her appearance comes seemingly out of nowhere, and she’s stepped up her work out routine, it could be because she has someone new to impress. Someone new is probably feeling her.

5. She's staying late at work—often.

Working women are more likely to cheat than stay-at-home wives, an intense side-by-side work forges deep connections. We tend to love the people we spend the most time with, Watch out if your wife is allegedly spending extra hours at the office. Women will regularly tell their husbands that they are working late as a cover-up for cheating. She may be only staying longer to be closer to a colleague with whom she' is romantically involved.

6. She says she's unhappy.

Often times, before women cheat, they will also complain of this. Listen to your wife when she tells you that she's not happy. If she is not happy, she is going to find happiness wherever she can get it. This doesn’t mean she is cheating on you yet, but women who say they are not happy in their marriages are nearly four times more likely to have an affair than women who say they are very happy in their marriage. Most women also believe that an affair is acceptable if the marriage is unhappy.

When your wife says she is not happy with you or the marriage, it increases her chance of cheating on you anytime.

7. She's less upfront.

When your wife is cheating, you might find she is sharing less and less with you. Sharing is a sign of closeness and connection and you don’t get any more of that from your wife, it's a sign that you are becoming more disconnected instead.

When you are together, she doesn’t tell you what’s going on in her life, Instead, you get a lot of silence and obfuscation about what they're actually doing with their time. You feel a distance, a disconnection from her. This is because they are subconsciously disconnecting from themselves and redirecting the energy into someone new.

8. She's overly curious about your whereabouts.

At first, it may seem like she really cares, but women who are cheating need to know their partner’s whereabouts at all times to plan their cheating escapades accordingly. Otherwise, they risk being caught by their husbands.

If she is constantly checking in with you and asking you where you are, she may be cheating.

9. She's paying more attention to her appearance.

If before now, she could care less of her dressing, but recently she is particular with what she wears and you are wondering what happened. Well, it may not be because of you.

You know it's cute to think that your wife is repackaging to re-spark the fire in your relationship, but if you have been having problems for a while, then that may not be the reason too. If she is paying more attention to how she looks, she is out to impress someone else. And it is probably at the beginning stage of the new affair.

10. She's giving you gifts for no reason.

It is a popular knowledge that gift-giving is a way to butter someone up when you are feeling guilty about something. We all love to get gifts from our partners, but if your wife is gifting you gifts for no reason, it could just be a way she is trying to ease her own conscience.

If you haven’t argued with your wife recently, and she has become suddenly generous, getting you random gifts; she is probably feeling guilty about something. So what could your wife be guilty of?

11. She gets mad at you about everything.

Every relationship has its issues every now and then but there must be something to fight about. And, those things are usually actually important. If your wife is finding everything you say or do to be irritating, if they find everything you do to be beyond abhorrent, leading to fights that make absolutely no sense, there is a tendency that she is already checked out of the marriage and seeing someone new.

She likes someone new, she is investing her emotions on someone new and you are just one annoying person she needs to put up with, probably because of the kids.

Every relationship has its issues every now and then but there must be something to fight about. And, those things are usually actually important. If your wife is finding everything you say or do to be irritating, if they find everything you do to be beyond abhorrent, leading to fights that make absolutely no sense, there is a tendency that she is already checked out of the marriage and seeing someone new.

She likes someone new, she is investing her emotions on someone new and you are just one annoying person she needs to put up with, probably because of the kids.

Your wife might not come out and tell you directly that she's having an affair, but if you know how to read between the lines, her words could just be the sign you need to know that something fishy is happening behind the scenes. ”

She may talk about a friend who has been cheated on and tell you why the cheating happened. Pay close attention to this conversation and read between the lines. They may not be upfront admissions of cheating, they are signs that your wife has other people on the mind.

12. She's hanging out with her single friends more.

Married people often hang out with other married people. Single people have a different rhythm of life, and it doesn’t always match the married life. If your wife is seriously considering cheating on you or even in the act, then she's going to want her single friends by her side, not the married one who is going to lecture her ear off about the sanctity of marriage.

13. She suddenly has an STD.

STD is not something you get from reading a book. If you don't have a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and your wife somehow gets one, it's safe to assume that she got it by hooking up with someone else. Yes, STDs are a clear sign that something has happened behind the scenes because STDs come from unprotected sex with someone other than your partner. Unless you also cheated and contacted one yourself, (the attention is not on you now) so the chances are she got it from sleeping with someone other than you.

14. She's asking to try new things in the bedroom.

You probably would want your wife to bring in her creativity on the bed. You would want her to take the lead sometimes. So, you will not think twice when your wife asks to try new positions in the bedroom. Unfortunately, these new moves could be cause for concern. There is a chance that she is learning these new sex styles from someone, and if that person isn't you, then it's more that she is getting her inspiration from another man.

If she introduces sex toys and it is so unlike her, then you need to pay close attention to this new development in her.

It’s not something most people want to face, talk about, or even consider. But the truth is that even in the happiest marriages, infidelity can take place; affairs can happen. Loneliness plays a role. So does boredom and alcohol. Cheating wives have their reasons.

Common Reasons Why Wives Cheat on Their Husbands

  • Addiction: Substance abuse issues, whether its addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling, or something else, can make a wife cheat on the husband
  • Previous Cheating: The saying "once a cheater, always a cheater"
  • Sexual Motivation: Women outsource sexual pleasure in their relationships to remain in their primary partnerships.
  • Unhappy in Marriage: Some women who cheat are always looking to save their primary partnership. And some cheat because they want to blow up a relationship that makes them feel trapped in some way. They feel neglected by their partner, sexually and/or emotionally: They feel their husband doesn’t desire them anymore.
  • Anger: They suspect or know that their husbands betrayed them, so they want to get even.
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